Let It Ride Atlantic City

Let It Ride Atlantic City Rating: 6,1/10 3021 reviews
From your Let it Ride section, you do not list a low pair as a good hand to 'let it ride' on. Just how bad of a bet would it be to go contrary to your advice?
  1. Let It Ride Atlantic City
  2. Atlantic City Let It Ride Payouts
  3. Let It Ride Poker Atlantic City
  4. Let It Ride Atlantic City Nj
  5. Let It Ride Atlantic City Nc
  6. Let It Ride Odds Atlantic City

Specialties: Experience a scenic and historical tour of the very first boardwalk, the Atlantic City Boardwalk, on an electric tram. Fun for the family, great for the environment! Established in 2015. In the 1940's electric motors began to.

  1. Bet: $1.50 - $400 Theoretical Prize Payout: 95.62% - 96.49%.Demo game: the min and max bet can differ from the actual game play, however the paytables and the theoretical prize payout remain the same.
  2. As we said before, there are a few different options to choose from when you want to play casino for free. To play casino for free through games in demo version is a very good option for new players, but will keep Let It Ride Poker Jackpots In Atlantic City you entertained for a long Let It Ride Poker Jackpots In Atlantic City time, since it can not, in demo mode you will no longer have to win.
  3. In fact, the only time you should ever tango with the 3 Card Bonus side bet when playing Let It Ride is at the Borgata casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. There, the wager uses a slightly better 50 / 40 / 30 / 6 / 4 / 1 pay table, and that single alteration from 3 to 4 lowers the house edge all the way down to 2.14 percent.

Letting it ride on a low pair (9's or less) is definitely a bad bet. The house edge on a low pair with three cards is 6.37%. With four cards the house edge jumps to 45.83%. So don't be tempted to let it ride on low pairs.

I had the good fortune of hitting four of a kind at a local casino, and was subsequently invited to play in a Let it Ride tournament, where approximately 300 players will compete for quite substantial prize money. My question is, what do you think would be the optimal strategy? Each player is to be given $5,000 in play chips, and the minimum bet will be $25 a hand. There will be 'heats', with the first round having all but 100 eliminated, second all but 25, third will have 6 left, and then the final round.

Table game tournament strategy is very complicated. However, briefly, I would bide by time in the early hands of each round. Sometimes your opponents will all burn themselves out and you can advance without any effort. When it gets down to about five hands to go you'll need to make your move on any players way ahead of you. This is the time when you want to pull into first or go bust trying. It is also good to wait to save your big bets for when you act AFTER your biggest competitors.

Recently, I visited one of the Indian casinos in our state (had an out-of-towner visiting.) They have Let It Ride. However, the payoff is only 500 to 1 on the Royal Flush. I would like to know what that does to the house edge on the game?

This increases the house edge from 3.506% to 3.737%.

I would like to know what the players edge would be in Let It Ride if he can see can see both the community cards and then if he can only see one of them? I was told that you could figure it out.

If you could see both the community cards, then your edge would be 42.06%. I don't know the advantage for one card, I'm afraid, but I am sure it would be high, especially if the second one were exposed.

Has anyone done work on the optimal betting strategies in 'Let It Ride' w/ additional information? I know the casinos say players may not look at other players hands, but in practice, it seems that most players know what at least two other players are holding. I may want to go for an inside straight if I know that at least six of the cards on the table are NOT what I need to pull.

Yes! In Mastering the Game of Let It Ride by Stanley Ko a section is devoted to this topic. Ko explains how the odds change if you have a 4-card straight or flush and can see extra cards. He does not indicate such adjustments at the three-card stage of the game. You can find this booklet at that Gambler's Book Club.

I was wondering why you recommend folding a 2-3-4 straight flush hand in let it ride? I understand folding A-2-3 as there is only 'one side' to match. However, 2-3-4 seems the same as any other outside straight?

There are 2 directions to complete a 2-3-4 straight (A-2-3-4-5, 2-3-4-5-6), yet 3 directions to complete a 3-4-5 straight (A-2-3-4-5, 2-3-4-5-6, 3-4-5-6-7).

I will be visiting Reno in the near future and have frequented your site in regards to Let It Ride and craps. I seem to have more luck at LIR than Craps. What effect does the number of players at LIR have on the probability of winning, if any?

Assuming you are not peeking at any other player's cards, it doesn't make any difference. Have a good time in Reno.

I understand the calculations made to determine the house advantage for the various games. My question is most applicable to the games with a large payout (for example, a royal flush in Let It Ride). Would it not be more reasonable to calculate the 'house advantage' with the royal flush excluded? While hitting the royal is possible, it is extremely unlikely for the average player. Would this modified house advantage be more applicable to the average player? Thanks for the great site.

You make a good point. In terms of what to expect in the short run then you should ignore the highest hands. I know video poker players sometimes disregard royal flushes when determining their short-term expectations. However, as a mathematical purist, I can't help but consider every possible outcome, regardless of how unlikely.

I was playing ’let it ride’ on a video machine last week. Someone told me I would have better odds if I played at a table with 6 players because more cards are out (20 instead of 5). Is he correct?

No. Unless you can actually see the other player’s cards and use that information correctly in your strategy then the number of other plays makes no difference.

Wizard, I have just read an article on another site that was talking about Three Card Poker. The author called the 'Pair Plus ' bet a sucker bet ,compared to the 'ante' bet. Of the two bets , I thought the 'ante' bet was more of a sucker bet because of its higher house edge. Also, what is the element of risk in Three Card Poker , compared to Let it Ride , assuming the player is starting with $5 bets in the three betting circles for Let It Ride, and $5 in the Pair plus and ante bet in Three Card Poker?

Good question. In full play Three Card Poker the house edge on Pairplus is 2.32% and on Ante & Play is 3.37%. However the element of risk on Pairplus is still 2.32% while in Ante & Play it is 2.01%. I believe if comparing one game to another the element of risk is more appropriate. In other words comparing the expected loss to the total amount bet. In this case Ante & Play has the lower element of risk and is thus the better bet. So I would disagree with the writer of the article you mention. According to my house edge index the element of risk in Let it Ride is 2.85%, higher than that of Ante & Play.

What is the increased house advantage for letting the following hands 'ride' on Let it Ride?

1) three unsuited cards (A-K-Q and K-Q-J for example)
2) low connected straight flush cards (3-4-5)
3) something like J-10-7 of diamonds, spread of 5.

Thanks Mike, great site as usual (I’ll say it every time)

Thanks for the compliment. First, you’re supposed to 'let it ride' with suited 3-4-5 (three consecutive suited cards) and suited 7-10-J (three to a straight flush with 2 high cards and 2 gaps). My own strategy states this. Here is the effect on your expected return for each of the other hands, measured in units. For example if you bet three units of $1 raising on unsuited A-K-Q would cost you 18.62 cents.

Unsuited A-K-Q: -0.186224
Unsuited K-Q-J: -0.104592

This past weekend I played Let it Ride at El Dorado in Reno. Side Bet payout was 20000 (Royal), 2000 (Straight Flsh), 200 Four, 75 Full, 50 Flush, 25 Straight, 5 Three, 4 Two pair, 1 High pair. Did not see this covered on House edge what would edge be?

This pay table has a house edge of 13.07%, the lowest I have heard of for Let it Ride. Still a sucker bet though.

I know that mathematically anything is possible, but the other night at the casino I think that I witnessed something that would be a billion to 1 shot, not that those don?t ever happen. Here is what happened: In the course of 40 hands (40 single 3 card deals about 8 rounds with 5 players) at a let it ride table 3 four of a kinds were dealt. With a four of a kind being about 4100 to 1 what would be the odds of three of them being dealt within 40 deals? Please answer as this is killing me. Long time fan

For the sake of simplicity let’s assume each hand is dealt from a fresh deck. The probability of a four of a kind is 13*48/combin(52,5) = 624/2598960. The probability of exactly 3 out of 40 four of a kinds is combin(40,3)*p3*(1-p)37 = 1 in 7378135, where p = 624/2598960. So that is more like a 1 in 7 million shot.

I was wondering what happens to the house advantage if you could view all 7 player’s hands. Would this result in a negative house advantage?

In 'Mastering the Game of Let it Ride' Stanley Ko addresses this topic. Ko says, most of the value in seeing other player’s cards is when you have a borderline hand of 4 to an outside straight with no high cards or JQKA. Viewing a single card should not encourage you to 'let it ride' but seeing a card that won’t help you should cause you to 'let it ride.' Ko doesn’t indicate that this can result in a negative house edge, and I doubt this chips away at the house edge much at all.

I trust you Let it Ride advice is correct but I still like raising on a low pair with three cards. Often I have seen these turn into paying hands. So how much is it costing me to raise on low pairs?

With a low pair your expected value on the initial bet is -7.40%. So if your original bet was $10 then letting it ride with a low pair will cost you an extra 74 cents.

What is the probability of getting two four of a kinds in a two hour period playing Let it Ride?

The probability of a four of a kind in any given hand is 13*48/combin(52,5) = 0.0002401. Let’s assume in two hours you can play 120 hands. The probability of exactly two four of a kinds would be combin(120,2) × 0.00024012 × (1-0.0002401)118 = 0.000400095 = 1 in 2499.41.

Hi I’ve been playing the Java Let It Ride Game on your website and it’s really fun. Thanks for putting it out on your website. I was wondering, is it fairly accurate as to how a game in a live casino would be played? And does it use a virtual new shuffled deck for each new hand that is dealt?

It plays just like the real thing. The casinos use a shuffling machine, which I understand to be very good. My program shuffles the deck after every hand too.

I am going to Las Vegas next weekend and like to play $5 blackjack & Let It Ride on the tables. Will I be able to find an open $5 table on a weekend or should I plan on bringing more funds than usual with me? If $5 tables are few and far between, where might I find them?

It will be difficult finding $5 blackjack on the Strip on a weekend. You’ll probably have to settle for a low-roller casino like the Riviera, Sahara, Frontier, or Circus Circus. It will be a lot easier downtown. Let It Ride is slowly fading away, but if you find it the minimum unit is usually $5.

I would like to know the decisions per hour in particular for the poker games: Three Card Poker, Caribbean Stud, and Let It Ride. Thank you.

Please see the following table. This table also shows the house edge assumed for player rating purposes. My source is an executive with a major Strip casino here in Vegas, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Hands per Hour and Average House Edge

GamesHands/HourHouse Edge
Big Six1015.53%
Car. Stud501.46%
Let It Ride522.4%
Pai Gow301.65%
Pai Pow Poker341.96%
Single 0 Roulette352.59%
Casino War652.87%
Spanish 21752.2%
Sic Bo458%
3 Way Action702.2%
I had an interesting occurrence at a major high-end strip property and I was wondering how I should have handled the situation. A friend and I were the only players at a Let It Ride table. After playing for a while, the blue deck started getting stuck in the shuffler. After a while, the dealer asked the floor manager to replace the deck. Before replacing the deck, the dealer counted the cards, only 51 cards! Several recounts, looking all around, calling in another supervisor etc failed to produce the missing card.

My friend was down about $300 and I was up around $150 when all this happened. Since we are both ’full comp’ at the property, I did not raise a stink about this. The dealer seemed very worried about her job and we did not joke around at all. The supervisors and floor person did not say anything to us or offer any compensation. More or less, after a while, they replaced the deck and continued the game.

Let It Ride Atlantic City

Personally, I figured that the odds say the missing card was a low card and it probably helped our odds of winning. My friend (who was down) thinks differently, that he should have been compensated. In the end, we did not raise the issue with the floor person. Was that correct? Should we have been aggressive given the situation? And, I am curious, assuming it was a random card, likely a low card, wouldn’t that actually have helped out odds during the time it was gone missing? Regards!

If you take a single card out of the deck randomly, the odds of Let it Ride do not change. This would be true of any casino game I can think of, where the cards are shuffled between hands. Without knowing the missing card, the effects of removal of bad cards and good cards exactly cancel one another out. So, complaining is not mathematically justified. Even if they found that it was a high card that got lost, it was still accidental. It could have just as easily been a low card that got lost. If it happened to me, I would have let it slide. I think an apology from somebody would be called for, but they probably didn’t want to, lest it give you more bargaining power if you did make a big scene over it.

I was killing time in the Harrah’s in New Orleans the other day, and sat at a Let It Ride table for the first time in years. I noticed that the disclaimer stated that the aggregate payout one round was $25,000. This was generally at $75,000 when the game was first introduced. Since this was a $10 minimum table, this meant that in the unlikely event of a Royal Flush, even a minimum bet would not be fully paid out. How can they set it so that a minimum bet can’t be paid off? To me, this is like to a slot machine having a big sign saying '$1,000,000 jackpot' with fine print saying 'Payout limited to $100,000'. I understand that the aggregate payout amount is pretty much what the traffic will bear, but are there any guidelines that require a certain minimum level for the aggregate limit?

For the benefit of other readers, in Let it Ride the player starts with three bets, and may pull back two of them if his cards don’t look good. If the minimum were $10, he would start with $30 in bets. If the player has a possible royal flush, proper strategy says to always stay in the game. A royal flush pays 1000 to 1. With a royal flush, the player would win 1000 to 1 on three bets of $10, or a total of $30,000 on bets of $10. However, the maximum aggregate payout is $25,000, so the 1000 to 1 is impossible to achieve, unless the player deviates from proper strategy, and doesn’t raise with hopes of royal.

I completely agree with your point. In my opinion it is false advertising to offer a win that is impossible to get under proper strategy. So, to Harrah’s I say “shame on you.” They can afford to pay a $25,000 jackpot.

Here in Nevada, an aggregate payout rule must be in plain view, and it cannot apply to wins less than 50 to 1 (Nevada Revised Statute 5.190). So, unless there is another statute I don’t know about, this would be legal here too. However, I am not aware of the same kind of impossible jackpot here. The maximum payout is also usually $25,000, but some of the classier casinos have higher maximum payouts. For example, the Wynn is at $75,000. The minimum bet here is usually $5, so as long as you stay at bets of $8 or less, the win for a royal will stay under $25,000. With a $1 side bet, the win would be exactly $25,000, so they would be allowed to deduct any wins of other players against you. My advice is to never bet so much that the aggregate payout rule might apply, on principle alone.

I use your great site quite often, thanks! I found a new pay table at the Borgata in Atlantic City, for the Three Card Bonus bet in Let It Ride. They implemented these very recently, to the point the dealers were struggling to remember the new odds. Here is the new pay table:

Mini Royal: 50 to 1
Straight flush: 40 to 1
Three of a kind: 30 to 1
Straight: 6 to 1
Flush: 4 to 1
Pair: 1 to 1

I am curious how it impacts the overall house edge.

Atlantic City Let It Ride Payouts

That is not bad for a side bet. I show the house edge is 2.14%.

This pertains to the aggregate payout in Let in Ride and how the $1 side bet is affected. When a table posts an aggregate payout of say $50,000, is this just for the standard three bets that you make to start the game OR does this actually include the $1 side bet as well? Over the years I have heard conflicting info.

I asked two Las Vegas casino executives about this. The first one said their policy on all games with a jackpot-based side bet is to first pay the primary bets (i.e. not the side bets) to the full odds. The aggregate cap only applies to the side bets. In the event the side bet wins exceed the aggregate maximum, then winners are paid on a pro-rata basis, according to their win. For example, if the aggregate is $50,000, player 1 won $50,000, player 2 won $10,000, and player 3 won $100, then each player would get paid $50,000/($50,000+$10,000+$100)=83.19% of what he would get without the limit. The second casino executive, with another company, said the same thing except they pay the side bets in full and pro-rate the primary bets.

I was playing Let It Ride at Cache Creek Casino in northern California. A woman two seats from me hit a straight flush. The payoff for the bonus bet was $2000. When she left an hour later, my girlfriend sat next to me to play. Within 30 minutes, she also hit a straight flush. So, two straight flushes were dealt at the same table within 1.5 hours. Can you calculate the odds of such an occurrence?

Let's assume 60 hands per hour, and a total of four players at the table. So, in 90 minutes that would be 1.5×60×4=360 hands. The probability of a straight flush is 4×9/combin(52,5) = 36/2,598,960 = 0.000013852. The probability of exactly two straight flushes in 360 hands is combin(360,2)* 0.0000138522×(1-0.000013852)358 = 1 in 81,055. Stranger things have happened.

More of just an update than a question, but as of a few weeks ago, Aria started dealing Let It Ride face up. I see you already addressed the issue of having more information, but it certainly appears that the extra info, especially at a full table, could be an advantage over a standard game. According to the dealer, it was to stop the cards from being bent by players, but by playing for an hour it becomes apparent that they can push a lot more hands out by not having to wait.

According to Beyond Counting (Exhibit CAA) by James Grosjean, if you can see every player card in a 7-player game, and make perfect use of the information, the house edge drops, but not more than the 3.51% house edge. As I state in my Let It Ride page, I would eyeball the table for the cards you need in the two borderline plays, four to an outside straight with no high cards, and four to an inside straight with four high cards. That would be of very marginal help.

On This Page


Let it Ride is among the first of the wave of new casino games, starting in the late nineties. It is a simple poker-based game where the player is paid based on his five card hand only. No dealer hand to worry about. The twist is that as the cards are revealed the player has the opportunity to decrease his bet if he doesn't like his cards. As of 2013 Let it Ride is still out there, but its numbers are decreasing.


  1. Player makes three bets of equal size.
  2. Dealer gives player three cards.
  3. Player may pull his first bet back or 'let it ride.'
  4. Dealer deals the first community card, to be used by all players.
  5. Player may pull his second back or 'let it ride.'
  6. Dealer deals the second community card, to be used by all players.
  7. Player is paid according to the poker value of his five cards, remaining bets, and the posted pay table.
  8. Side bets are usually available, which are explained below.

The following is the standard pay table most casinos follow. All wins are on a 'to one' basis.

Let it Ride — Standard Pay Table

Royal Flush1000
Straight Flush200
Four of a kind50
Full House11
Three of a kind3
Two pair2
Tens or better1

The pay table for this and 15 other known Let it Ride pay tables can be found in my Let it Ride appendix 3.


The following strategy is for the standard pay table.

With three cards you should only 'let it ride' if you have:

  • Any paying hand (tens or better, three of a kind)
  • Any three to a royal flush
  • Three suited cards in a row except 2-3-4, and ace-2-3
  • Three to a straight flush, spread 4, with at least one high card (ten or greater)
  • Three to a straight flush, spread 5, with at least two high cards

With four cards you should only 'let it ride' if you have:

  • Any paying hand (tens or better, two pair, three of a kind)
  • Any four cards of the same suit
  • Any four to an outside straight with at least one high card
  • Any four to an outside straight with no high cards (zero house edge)
  • Any four to an inside straight with 4 high cards (zero house edge)

A lot of people have asked me what I mean by 'inside straight', 'outside straight', 'spread 4', and 'spread 5.'An inside straight is one in which an 'inside' card is missing, such as (4,5,7,8). An outside straight is one in which an outside card is missing, such as (4,5,6,7). Outside straights are much better because there are 8 cards that can complete them as opposed to 4 for an inside straight. Spread4 means that the cards in question span 4 ranks in a row,for example a (5,6,8). Spread 5 means the cards in question span 5 ranks, for example a (5,7,9).

Play Let It Ride for free while learning the strategy.

Aggregate Payout Warning:

The table will probably have a maximum payout. At Casino Niagara in Niagara Falls the maximum aggregate payout is $75,000 per round. As a result the player should not bet more than the maximum payout divided by 3000. Any bet above this quotient will not pay the full odds on a royal flush, thus increasing the house edge.


The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return of all possible outcomes under optimal strategy. The lower right cell shows an expected loss of 3.51% of the minimum bet size. By the end of the hand, the player will have pulled back 1.768 bets, leaving 1.232 on the table. This makes the element of risk, defined as the ratio of expected loss to total amount bet 3.51%/1.232 = 2.85%.

The standard deviation, relative to a single bet, is 5.17.

Let it Ride — Standard Pay Table

Royal Flush100033,000800.0000020.004617
Royal Flush100022,00000.0000000.000000
Royal Flush100011,00000.0000000.000000
Straight Flush20036003520.0000070.004063
Straight Flush20024003680.0000070.002832
Straight Flush200120000.0000000.000000
Four of a kind5031507,8720.0001510.022717
Four of a kind5021004,6080.0000890.008865
Four of a kind5015000.0000000.000000
Full House1133333,4080.0006430.021210
Full House1122241,4720.0007980.017553
Full House1111100.0000000.000000
Three of a kind339364,5600.0070140.063122
Three of a kind326328,9680.0063290.037973
Three of a kind313404,7120.0077860.023358
Two pair236574,1280.0110450.066272
Two pair224682,7760.0131360.052542
Two pair2121,214,1360.0233580.046716
Tens or better1332,571,6360.0494740.148423
Tens or better1222,647,5600.0509350.101870
Tens or better1113,228,8040.0621170.062117

5-Card Bonus Bet

I don't know if this bet even has a name, so I am titling it the '5-Card Bonus Bet.' It is a $1 side bet, which pays based on the poker value of the final five-card hand. This is a sucker bet, that should be avoided. Based on a small sampling of casinos in Las Vegas and Laughlin, the house edge varies from 13.77% (Lady Luck) to 36.52% (New York, New York). Below are some casinos, their payoff table, and their house edge, in order from best to worst. Wins are on a 'for one' basis, meaning the player does not get his original bet back, even on a win.

Atlantic city let it ride payouts

Let it Ride Side Bet Pay Tables

Let It Ride Poker Atlantic City

HandTable 1Table 2Table 3Table 4Table 5Table 6Table 7Table 8Table 9
Royal flush200002000020000200002000010000200002000025000
Straight flush200010002000200010002000200010002500
Four of a kind100100100400400100300300400
Full house75757520020075150150200
Three of a kind948558555
Two pair634004000
Tens or better010000000
House edge13.77%23.73%25.39%25.53%26.92%26.93%35.14%36.52%24.07%

The following is a list of which casinos have which pay tables based on my small sampling. Unless otherwise stated all casinos are in Las Vegas:

  • Table 1: Lady Luck
  • Table 2: Las Vegas Club, Freemont, Californian,Plaza, Main Street Station, Ballys, Circus Circus,Hilton, Grand (Biloxi), Beau Rivage (Biloxi), Horseshoe(Tunica), Grand (Tunica)
  • Table 3: Golden Gate
  • Table 4: Bellagio, Excalibur, Mandalay Bay, Harrah's,Imperial Palace, Paris, Venetian
  • Table 5: MGM Grand, Golden Nugget
  • Table 6: Colorado Belle (Laughlin), Sky City (New Mexico)
  • Table 7: Four Queens, Flamingo Hilton
  • Table 8: New York New York
  • Table 9: Rivers casino in Pittsburgh, PA

The next table shows the probability and return for every hand under pay table 2 above. The return of 76.27% reflects a house edge of 100.00% - 76.27% = 23.73%. Again, all pays are on a 'for one' basis.

5-Card Bonus

Royal flush20,00040.0000020.030782
Straight flush1,000360.0000140.013852
Four of a kind1006240.0002400.024010
Full house753,7440.0014410.108043
Three of a kind454,9120.0211280.084514
Two pair3123,5520.0475390.142617
Tens or better1422,4000.1625270.162527

3-Card Bonus Bet

Some casinos offer a side bet based on the value of the player's three cards, similar to the Pair plus bet in Three Card Poker. The main difference is in Let It Ride the bet has a separate win for a 'Mini Royal', defined as a suited ace, king, and queen. The following table table shows the most common pay table for this bet.

Let It Ride Atlantic City Nj

3-Card Bonus

Mini Royal5040.0001810.00905
Straight flush40440.0019910.079638
Three of a kind30520.0023530.070588
House Edge221001-0.070950

The next pay table shows other possible variants of the Three Card Bonus bet.

3-Card Bonus

HandTable 1Table 2Table 3Table 4Table 5
Mini Royal505020010050
Straight flush4040405040
Three of a kind3030303030
House edge7.10%5.39%4.38%4.20%2.14%

The only casino I am aware of that offers pay table 5 is the Borgata in Atlantic City (source).

6-Card Bonus

Some casinos add on a side bet known as the 6-Card Bonus. This side bet is found on multiple poker-derivative games, so I created a special page for it. For more information, please see my page on the 6-Card Bonus.

Millionaire Progressive

This is a $5 'red light' progressive side bet that pays $1,000,000 for a royal flush in spades, using the player's five-card hand. For all the rules and analysis, please see my page on the Millionaire Progressive.

Seeing Extra Cards

Although players are not supposed to share information, you can often accidentally see other player cards, or this rule is ignored and players voluntarily show each other their cards. Seeing other cards can make the difference in borderline plays, namely the zero house edge straights listed under the 4-card strategy above. In his book Mastering the Game of Let It Ride, author Stanley Ko offers a strategy for these situations. He doesn't state how much it lowers the house edge, but James Grosjean does in his book Beyond Counting (Exhibit CAA). According to Grosjean, if you can see every player card in a 7-player game, and made perfect use of the information, it would lower the house advantage from 3.51% to 2.34% only.

Inside Links

  • Appendix 1: Details on how the strategy and expected return were determined.
  • Appendix 2: Details on the Isle of Capri (Black Hawk, Colorado) rules.
  • Appendix 3: Analysis of 16 different Let it Ride pay tables.

Outside Links

Let It Ride Atlantic City Nc

German translation of this page.

Let It Ride Odds Atlantic City

Written by:Michael Shackleford